I'm not having much to write about for this blog lately. Ive basically been sticking with the handful of recipes I know for meal planning. Besides that my mom fed me for a week...WHICH WAS AWESOME I might add. Not only was it the Christmas holiday...but I had surgery so she was nursing me back to health. However..now the fridge is bare and our checking account is negative $88.49...so things don't look much better than Ramen noodles and grilled cheese till payday. Holy cats....what luck...mother in law gifted us a PF Changs gift certificate. Hallelujah. Man..that couldn't have come at a better time (of course $40 goes a lot further at Aldi...but its Christmas for goodness sakes..time to be gluttonous and overspend).
Ive considered deleting this blog...and giving up on chronicling this episode in my life. But I have not done so because A)believe it or not..people still find and visit this site which is bizarre I agree and B)the stuff I wrote about could be beneficial to folks even if it isn't fresh and C)I don't want to give up....its not my style...and its more than an episode..its a lifestyle that i am trying to create here.
So even thought I am not an all star, an overachiever or an example by any means...I will continue to post here...even if it is on rare occasion. However...I feel hopeful..that things will pick up with the new year. I already enrolled in a weight loss boot camp..where i will work out with other women. Yes I am taking me time!I will undoubtedly feel some guilt when leaving my 17 month old son....but it will give daddy some one on one time with him...while i find my inner self (muscle wise..i know its down there somewhere). So that is exciting and definitely changin my way for the better. You know...I walked a couple miles 3 times a week when I was prego. Its time to get going again.
So stay true...and don't give up on me...I am making progress..however slow. I'm the turtle seriously!
healthy feasting to you in 2008!
Thanks for your comment, it really met something to me. enjoy your baby while she is young, and remember that that dumb smart A*S as totters say don't hurt as much as when they are older, life is short and take lotsa pictures...you'll treasure those moments....*wink
I came to you in search of changing my eating habits together with the family's. Nice blog. I have also been to your other blog where you talked about pregnancy induced ventral hernia. I'm in the very same situation. My baby is 3 months old. I had normal vaginal deliveries with both my children. I am now terrified at the thought of a surgery. I wasn't able to locate a follow up post in yours after the one where you talked about your surgeon;s visit. i'm wondering whether you went ahead and got the surgery done or not. I'm nursing my baby and planned to do it for as long as I can...but I don't know. I've been made scared by the complications that could be....Please share any thoughts that you may have. Email me at drinkwhatsjuicy@yahoo.com. I'm in Canada.
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