Thursday, November 29, 2007


My 16 month old son Grant had a very rough first year of life. He was sick at least half of it, mostly with respiratory distress type illnesses. He was exclusively breastfed till he was almost 6 months old - and still...was a pretty sick little guy. It seemed like every little cold or bug would turn into a big gigantic scare. The most recent team of specialists said he was most likely immune compromised and would likely grow out of it. So for this they sent us home with a script for 8 medicines! And most of these meds were for asthma. GRRRR. If the world was perfect, they would have sent us home with a list of foods, herbs, vitamins and minerals that boost immunity.

At the pace of a snail, I have been researching immunomodulators. Yesterday I visited my local health food coop store (which is the best I have even seen - even if their recent remodel was in my opinion unnecessary and flawed - now the aisles are soo congested - enough ranting)and spent a whopping $100 on stuff to help us all survive the winter unscathed and stronger for it.


Nutritional Yeast
Selenium supplement (for me)
Kefir starter
Natural Beef Liver
Acidophilus supplements (for me)
immune boosting organic tea (with echinachae & astragalus)

And for when he shows a symptom of illness:
Echinachae & Astragalus suspension

Plus I already have a Horsehound suspension more specifically for lung function

I seem to be on a beneficial bacteria kick. Gut health is very important to overall health.

Im just at the tip of a very enormous I know i need much more understanding of nutrition and amounts etc before I go about spouting truth. However...I am excited to be making strides towards more natural healing and building strong immunity.

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