Well good friends.....my good intentions have gone to hell. I have not been cooking and I have not been doing much to improve my consumption. Here's the minimal scoop:
Proud moment:
Homemade cherry/blueberry, flax seed oil, honey and yogurt smoothie for breakfast
Not so proud moment:
Fried chicken from the grocery store and cake!
However...I would like my disclaimer to read something like this:
"Unfortunately neither my DH or myself has been able to properly grocery shop since my epiphany so therefore I have no tools to work with"
Disclaimer = blame = cop out?
Not really. We have seriously been BUSYIOLA. Im talking my DH is working extra extra, I have been studying for a test and we have been working on a yard sale for this weekend. I did run to the store last night from absolute necessity and managed to get soy milk and 7 grain bread (among a host of other not to fabulous items).
However...the good news is that I am still on a mission to change my ways! The start is slow...but the planning has begun. My grocery list is taking shape and I have plans for homemade chili, asian cole slaw, vegetable soup and hummus (not to be eaten at the same time). This is really quite a big shift for me so give me room to grow at my own pace...and the turtle will finish and even win!
Point being...dont give up if you too are changing your ways at an infinitesimal pace. Keep the faith! Homework: find a yummy and at least semi healthy recipe that you want to try and write down the ingredients on your new improved grocery list!
I love the idea of this Blog. I am constantly trying to do better. And no matter how hard I try, junk creeps into our home. LOL! And when you are super busy it is a lot harder to stay on track with healthy food. The point is that you are aware, you are intentional, and if you add even 1-2 healthy(ier) meals into your family's diet each week that makes a huge difference. Keep it up!
Another tip I learned is that in every recipe, even if the recipe does not call for it, add as many fresh veggies to it as possible. Even grate them, etc... so that they are just part of the sauce or whatever. You want as many as possible! Spaghetti Sauce, muffins, anything really add stuff to it! :-)
Thanks Elizabeth! I love the sneaking idea! Im on it
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